Southside Chiropractic is located at 1651 Bellmore Avenue, Bellmore.
This is a home/office, and is at ground level above Bellmore Avenue Chiropractic.
Dr. Golub/Southside Chiropractic is located at the side entrance on Goldie Avenue, on the left side of the driveway.
Millions of people have benefited from chiropractic care, resulting in better overall health, better mobility, and relief of pain. The chiropractic adjustment corrects a condition known as the vertebral subluxation complex, or commonly referred to simply as a subluxation.
A subluxation is a condition of a vertebra that has:
- lost its proper position relative to the adjacent bones
- lost its proper mobility
- caused an interference with the electrochemical transmission of the nerve
It can cause many symptoms such as pain and numbness, or even no symptoms at all (at first).
Detecting and correcting subluxations is the unique specialty of the Doctor of Chiropractic. Many valid techniques exist to accomplish this task. At Southside Chiropractic, we specialize in the use of a hand-held instrument in order to deliver the energy needed to correct subluxations. The instrument delivers a force approximately 1000 times faster than the fastest hands, which means that much less mass (or push) is needed to move the bone.
Advantages of Instrument Adjusting
Instruments are typically:
more consistent
more specific
more accurate
more gentle than forces delivered by hand
With instrument adjusting, patients enjoy a gentle corrective adjustment, without the "crack" heard during manual manipulation. It is safe and effective for patients of all ages. This type of adjusting is ideal for nervous patients, those in severe muscle spasm, those that may not be able to relax enough for manual manipulation, or those that simply don't like the sound or feeling of being "popped" or "cracked".
Call to make an appointment today.
(516) 783-3700

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